Wednesday, August 25, 2010


  In 2005 a Citigroup Internal memo was leaked., In that memo the banking powerhouse bragged about how the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom were no longer democracies, but plutonomies..
I've brought this to light because it is tremendously significant to what is taking place these days.

What is a Plutonomy?

  Economic growth that is powered and consumed by the wealthiest upper class of society, and is government allowed. (Top 1%)  Plutonomy refers to a society where the majority of the wealth is controlled by an ever-shrinking minority; as such, the economic growth of that society becomes dependent on the fortunes of that same wealthy minority. There is no "average consumer" in a plutonomy.
example: The GOP will never support anything to help the middle class. They only sever the top upper crust.. even demanding deficit spending for the huge tax cuts for the top 2% , while middle class America starves in the streets.
   I thought America was a democracy? For the people, by the people? A supreme power given to the people, and exercised by the people or by means of elected officals?
 A Democracy, thats what America was, and must be.. Look at the changes in the govenment. Politicians being bought by corporations, Wall Street bailouts at the cost of the people,and jobs being outsourced to foreign countries for maximum profit.  Middle class Americans are losing their jobs, homes and life savings, slipping from middle class to lower class. The top 1% call the shots now. They've infiltrated every branch of government, making the USA a plutonomy.
 All hope is not lost, Let's reclaim our nation for what it once was! Here's how we do it.We VOTE. We all have this right. Rich or poor we all share the equal right to vote, they are way out numbered!  We start labeling the action of outsourcing as "unpatriotic". We take to the streets, educate others, unite and make our voices heard.
Here's a link to see the leaked memo from Citigroup ... it boasts how America is turning into a plutonomy, it lays out goals and their fears of how it can be defeated.


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