Sunday, August 29, 2010

Americans Losing Rights?

 Since the days of President Ronald Regan Americans have been losing rights. In 1981 Regan fired over 13,000 air traffic controller's and destroyed their union. Soon after that President Regan pushed for lower wages for youth, eased the child labor and anti-sweatshop laws, and cut back job training programs for the unemployed. He tried to replace thousands of federal employees with temporary workers who would not have civil service or union protections. Regan also allowed employers  to permanently replace workers who dared exercise their legal right to strike. He also closed down one-third of OSHA offices and slashed its staff by more than one-fourth and decreased the number of penalties assessed against employers by almost three-fourths. So why all the praise for this man? Cooperate media influence!

 Ronald Regan set the example for Presidents to come.
Since his administration we've seen programs like NAFTA, tax cuts for the rich, corporations receiving government subsidies, bailouts on an unprecedented scale., And now Corporate Person hood, a Supreme Court decision giving corporations even more power to influence the outcome of elections by giving corporations the same rights, if not more rights, than the citizens of this country.    

 The time to say NO to all of this is NOW. We must get out and vote, take to the streets and take back America before we have no rights and nothing left to fight for.


  1. This is a plutocracy it is a beast we are living in the belly of this corrupted beast and WE THE PEOPLE must take it back. it was never ever supposed to be this way our basic rights have been taken and yes some of us gave it away just for piece of the American Dream that has resulted in the Now American Nightmare we must wake up these politicians don't care they feed off of this beast and they continue to feed the beast our souls we need to really clean house.

  2. nice post and i likked the graphics
