Wednesday, October 13, 2010


you make $250,000 A YR


you want change? Get involved! Become an activist, its going to take more than voting this year..we have to be involved! you have your voice & your vote, use them to their fullest potential.

 We have less than a month to get the GOPS message out there... That they don't care about the middle class, they don't care about the 99ers and the unemployed... They don't care if you have healthcare,
They don't care about Americans or America...  We need to get their message out there... That they will work hard for the corporations to make it easier to outsource America jobs, and how they want to privitize Social Security, and end unemployment benefits even thought the unemployment rate is still above 9%..

 We must get their message out there! And in doing so, we must ask people to vote Democrat to prevent the Republicans and The Tea Party from further ruining this country!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Time to say NO! To the Party of NO!

 After much thought and research I have come to feel this from the bottom of my heart and gut, that we as a community of unemployed Americans are separating into 2 separate groups. We have the 99ers, those not receiving any benefits; and we have the unemployed that are receiving unemployment benefits. What everyone needs to understand is that we need to unite. The unemployed as a whole needs to be represented.  those receiving benefits are nothing more than future 99ers, they need to understand that soon they too will be like our brothers, the 99ers. We need to look at the reality of this, that if the Republicans take control of congress, we will all then become the permanently unemployed, and all that will remain is a black hole of where hope once existed. They will take our benefits, and continue to outsource jobs, drive down wages and will destroy our country!
  By uniting, the one's receiving benefits and the 99ers!  To the 99ers, we understand your frustration, and desperation to pass this legislation, WE DO! Its just as frustrating to us!by uniting we will  be perceived as a powerful political organization.
 Threatening the Democratic party is the wrong way to go! If we attack and resort to political threats and blackmail we will viewed as enemies of the party and they will not help us. We need to motivate others, the unemployed, and the middle class to stand behind the democrats and vote.
 The Democrats, they are the only ones that have helped us thus far. Look at the congressional voting records. Its all there.
 Why can we not help and support the party that are the only ones that are compassionate to our cause and help us? This is a real shame!  It is time for us to return the favor, if they are to continue to help YOU, you must help them. They need us now, like we needed them this summer.
 How can anyone think that not voting or voting for the party of NO could possibly help? Do you really want to support the party that has called us lazy, drug addicts, uneducated, poor workers, and want you to piss in a cup? How can this help? By not voting YOU are essentially voting for the Republicans.
 The unemployed have no lobbyists, all we have is the support of congressional members like Stabenow, Grayson, Reid, Hartkin, and Sherrod Brown. We must get behind them and support them in the fight to preserve this party! if you want their continued help, if the republicans win, they can't help us anymore. Who then will you look to for unemployment benefits and job creation? Mitch McConnell? Orin Hatch? John Bohener?
You can look, but that's all that will happen. They will simply say NO.
 We need to organize in a POSITIVE way, and send a strong message to the obstructionists in the capital!
Remember JFK's quote! Ask not what your country can do for you! But what you can do for your country! This is as important today, as it was the day he said this.                       
 Obama must have a majority in the house and the senate
The Ability to help us, this power MUST remain with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi! These people stood up and fought for us! It may have took time, look at all the obstacles, the filibusters they fought and defeated for us! These people are our friends, why would anyone consider voting against them?
 When will people wake up? I do pray soon, before all is lost. If we don't act NOW all will be lost. We will be homeless, and hungry, and there will be no jobs, and NO ONE to help us!

 We must unify those receiving, and those not receiving benefits
We must join together to defeat the real enemy.
We must do this by supporting and voting for the ONLY party that supports us.
Threatening them will only hurt US
If we do not do this, this will be a disaster for us, and it will make this summer look like a walk in the park.
All will be lost.

Now is the time for us to say NO! Its time to say NO to the party that fights us for benefits that support our very survival!  Its time to say NO to paying for the top 2% tax cuts! Its time to say NO to the party that destroyed our economy, and outsourced our jobs, took our homes, and drove down wages! TELL THEM NO! ITS OUR TURN TO SAY NO!!!!!  Get out and VOTE November 2!
Do you really want to tell them yes? Do you want to tell them that its ok to take our unemployment benefits and to please keep outsourcing our jobs and drive down wages?
We simply cannot afford to not to vote or the support the party of NO. Its a life or death gamble here folks! What are YOU going to do?

please see

Thursday, September 9, 2010

You Say You Want A Revolution....

And how do we go about this? Lets brainstorm a bit... How do we go about taking our country back? The answer is many things. We need to continue to organize. The cause is much deeper than getting unemployment benefits. This is nothing more than a symptom of the real problem. The cause is our country! We need to stand up, and do whatever we must to take America back from Big Business, and the politicians that own it... We must get involved on a local level, we must support candidates that stand for our cause... even if it we know they won't win. Our fight goes beyond the Internet, this website, emailing, faxing, and calling Congress. Our fight depends on everyday folks such as yourself to get out there and fight for our cause, we have to vote, we have to educate other people and encourage them to join us, and vote. We have to get the word out that the Republicans do not and never have had our interests at heart. They have never support jobs, they have never supported health care, they have never supported social security, and I'm willing to bet they never will. Most people out there support these things. Its OUR job to see to it that they get the information about who will support them! The Republicans don't care about education, they don't care if your job goes to China or Mexico... Lets educate the people, and grow the grass roots... This is how we do it folks! I challenge each and everyone of you to take this to heart, embrace it, make it your own.

Right of the right or duty, variously stated throughout history, of the subjects of a nation to overthrow a government that acts against their common interests. Belief in this right extends back to ancient China, and it has been used throughout history to justify various rebellions, including the American Revolution and the French Revolution....

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

THOMAS JEFFERSON, Declaration of Independence...

Don't get anymore American than that! And he NEVER drank the tea!

                                                      This is it! This time is now!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Republican Plan if They Regain Power

   The republican party wants power in November! They insist they will get this country back on track...
But has anyone really took a look at how they will do this? Cheap Labor, cutting health care,and tax increases on the Middle Class.

  Cutting unemployment is just one of their plans..
Once this is accomplished, then there will be people taking any little job they can to survive, Wage's will be lowered, I wouldn't be surprised if the GOP tried to lower the minimum wage to accommodate all the big corporations that will all of a sudden be willing to hire on grand scales... at a lower wage.

  Cutting welfare programs... Theyll call this something like "Putting America To Work" or Privitation of the welfare system and will include vouchers....
This will be nothing more than another ploy to enslave the mass's.

  Abolishing the health can reform is another thing they will do. The heath care reform is in no way a government takeover. That is simply a scare tactic the Republicans are using to essentially scare the people out of agreeing with the reform. There are very corrupt corporations, some of which control health insurance. They right now deny to insure patients with pre-existing conditions so they can make more money, one of the very reasons for this reform.

   Then the Republicans will be touted by the upper class as the party that saved America!
 But at what cost? Sounds like they really want to enslave the middle and lower class...

  So by all means! Vote Republican if you want to be living in a third world country, and work for a dollar a day!  Make no mistake... this is what they will try to do in November if they take control of the House and Senate...

  If you want a good job, health insurance, and good pay, the time to act is NOW. We have to band together and say NO! to the Republican party. We have to educate others, and vote... take others to vote that normally would not... We need to stand together on Capitol Hill and tell these clowns that we want our country back, and they cannot sell us out to big business and make us slaves!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Americans Losing Rights?

 Since the days of President Ronald Regan Americans have been losing rights. In 1981 Regan fired over 13,000 air traffic controller's and destroyed their union. Soon after that President Regan pushed for lower wages for youth, eased the child labor and anti-sweatshop laws, and cut back job training programs for the unemployed. He tried to replace thousands of federal employees with temporary workers who would not have civil service or union protections. Regan also allowed employers  to permanently replace workers who dared exercise their legal right to strike. He also closed down one-third of OSHA offices and slashed its staff by more than one-fourth and decreased the number of penalties assessed against employers by almost three-fourths. So why all the praise for this man? Cooperate media influence!

 Ronald Regan set the example for Presidents to come.
Since his administration we've seen programs like NAFTA, tax cuts for the rich, corporations receiving government subsidies, bailouts on an unprecedented scale., And now Corporate Person hood, a Supreme Court decision giving corporations even more power to influence the outcome of elections by giving corporations the same rights, if not more rights, than the citizens of this country.    

 The time to say NO to all of this is NOW. We must get out and vote, take to the streets and take back America before we have no rights and nothing left to fight for.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Capitalism Great For America!

  Capitalism! We were taught that capitalism makes America great, but does it? Maybe if you're an heir or a major shareholder in a large conglomerate. Here's the definition of it.
 "Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned and operated for profit; decisions regarding supply, demand, price, distribution, and investments are not made by the government; Profit is distributed to owners who invest in businesses, and wages are paid to workers employed by businesses."

Here's how capitalism it's not so great for America

  Capitalism is a tool or a spring board for the the top 1% to become wealthier.. and the rest of us poorer and deeper in debt. Capitalism has no loyalty to any country. And exploits everyone.  Corporation's lobby government officials,give large campaign contributions, and have their former heads run for office.

I'll give you a few good examples of how capitalist's make this work..

 William Randolf Hearst, DuPont chemical company and several pharmaceutical companies ran smear campaigns against marijuana, and enlisted the help of Harry J. Anslinger, the director of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics to help get it outlawed. Hurst owned several newspapers and invested heavily in the timber industry to support his newspaper chain and didn’t want to see the development of hemp paper in competition.  DuPont had patented nylon, and wanted hemp removed as competition. The pharmaceutical companies could neither identify nor standardize cannabis dosages, and besides, with cannabis, folks could grow their own medicine and not have to purchase it from large companies. Anslinger brought his plan to Congress.... Hearst editorials and stories of crime, and horrible murders committed by people who had supposedly smoked marijuana.

  Then there's Dick Cheney. He was the CEO of Halliburton before being elected to office. Guess what company got the big contract in during the Iraq war? Halliburton over charged the US, and received upwards of $80 billion of our tax dollars in forms of bonus..

 And my last example of how big business and capitalism are destroying America...  the ease of tariffs on good brought into this country made it easier for big business to outsource American jobs to foreign countries where they could pay a lower wage, then bring the product back to sell here. Capitalism isn't loyal to any country, just their profits.

 We need to get involved, and question or elected officials, and those who seek being elected.
We have to use or votes wisely. We need to let the government know that the days to catering to Big Banks and Big Business with our tax dollars need to end.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

"The Rich Get Richer, And the Poor Get Poorer"

"The rich get richer and the poor get poorer" Everyone has heard that quote before, but what does it really mean, and how does it work? Bailouts, subsides and regulations, and tax cuts for the rich.
 Here's three examples of how its done.

 Government Bailouts.TARP ..The big Wall Street bailout, paid for by middle class America. The banks have been bailed out, and they are again receiving their big fat bonus's. This is the most blatant example there is.

Government Subsides..Its silently been going on for years though, through government subsidies and regulations to take your tax money and give to big business. Walmart.. Every time a walmart goes up it is financed in part by taxpayers through economic development subsidies from state and local governments. Taking money from schools and programs that help the middle class.

 Tax Cuts for the rich. The Bush Tax Cuts. Families in the middle who had average incomes of $56,200 in 2004, saw their average effective tax rate edge down to 2.9 percent in 2004 from 5 percent in 2000. That translated to an average tax cut of $1,180 per household, but the tax rate actually increased slightly from 2003. Tax cuts were much deeper, and affected far more money, for families in the highest income categories. Households in the top 1 percent of earnings, which had an average income of $1.25 million, saw their effective individual tax rates drop to 19.6 percent in 2004 from 24.2 percent in 2000. The rate cut was twice as deep as for middle-income families, and it translated to an average tax cut of almost $58,000..

 Put the three together.. Your rich own major stocks in banks and big business(which is deregulated.. I'll cover this topic soon) and went buck wild plundering the middle class with sub prime loans and bad investments...then got the life raft by Bush called TARP (our tax dollars) while all along receiving government blessed subsidies (our tax dollars again) every time they open a new store (walmart the Walton family) or we go to war (Halliburton Dick Cheney). Throw in the Bush tax cuts, where the top 1% pay less tax dollars and receive more of yours and you have how the rich get richer, while the poor get poorer.

We can put a stop to all this insanity. We Vote. Each and everyone of us. There's far more of us than them. Why should we allow our country to be ran for just them? We use our voices to demand change. We cannot depend on one man to do this for us.. This is bigger than him. This will require all of us to stand up, say NO to the top 1% and the politicians they own.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


  In 2005 a Citigroup Internal memo was leaked., In that memo the banking powerhouse bragged about how the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom were no longer democracies, but plutonomies..
I've brought this to light because it is tremendously significant to what is taking place these days.

What is a Plutonomy?

  Economic growth that is powered and consumed by the wealthiest upper class of society, and is government allowed. (Top 1%)  Plutonomy refers to a society where the majority of the wealth is controlled by an ever-shrinking minority; as such, the economic growth of that society becomes dependent on the fortunes of that same wealthy minority. There is no "average consumer" in a plutonomy.
example: The GOP will never support anything to help the middle class. They only sever the top upper crust.. even demanding deficit spending for the huge tax cuts for the top 2% , while middle class America starves in the streets.
   I thought America was a democracy? For the people, by the people? A supreme power given to the people, and exercised by the people or by means of elected officals?
 A Democracy, thats what America was, and must be.. Look at the changes in the govenment. Politicians being bought by corporations, Wall Street bailouts at the cost of the people,and jobs being outsourced to foreign countries for maximum profit.  Middle class Americans are losing their jobs, homes and life savings, slipping from middle class to lower class. The top 1% call the shots now. They've infiltrated every branch of government, making the USA a plutonomy.
 All hope is not lost, Let's reclaim our nation for what it once was! Here's how we do it.We VOTE. We all have this right. Rich or poor we all share the equal right to vote, they are way out numbered!  We start labeling the action of outsourcing as "unpatriotic". We take to the streets, educate others, unite and make our voices heard.
Here's a link to see the leaked memo from Citigroup ... it boasts how America is turning into a plutonomy, it lays out goals and their fears of how it can be defeated.


Who Are The 99ers? And How Can We Help?

  Who are the 99ers? We've all probally heard of them by now, but do we really know who these people are? The 99ers are workers that have been displaced in the recession and have yet to find employment..  This group is mainly composed of older workers that have never been unemployed until now. They come from all different walks of life and career paths. Many hold college degrees. They are the victims of age discrimination. Many employers pass these people by for younger less skilled workers that will be in the workforce longer.

  99 weeks! You hear alot of people say that is more than enough time to find a job! Well, in a NORMAL economy I would agree. Today we're faced with the highest unemployment rates since The Great Depression. There are 6 people applying for every 1 job. Some places this number is higher, depending on where you live.

 Then you have your haters out there, Your Glenn Becks, Ben Steins and Sharon Angles of the world. They say that the unemployed and the 99ers are lazy, bad workers, and to go to McDonalds and get a job! Truth to that is they have not done their homework! I challange each of them to use an alius and apply and see how far they get! Practice what you preach is how I was rasied!

 Jobs in the fast food industry are becoming harder if not impossible to come by. Many older workers are not desirable employees to fast food establishments for reasons that they are over experienced, and will leave for a better job if and when the economy improves.

 How can we help? We can start holding our government leaders accountable for starters! Everytime a politician spouts off that YOU should take a paycut to get a job, WE should respond with  hand written letters, emails, phone calls, signs at labor rallies telling them that they need to set the example, you take a paycut first!. (Mr. Rand Paul let us know how that works out for ya!)

We need to push for legislation that will extend unemployment benefits, address age discrimination, and create jobs! We need to do this by exercising our voices and our votes! We must be persistant with our demands and make these lawmakers know we're not going to settle for anything less!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


America! For The People, By The People! Right? I was raised to believe this to be a true statement... But anymore it seems that America is a Coporate Machine used to control the people, and fuel their own political agendas. I say this because I feel the interests of the America People have been pushed aside to allow corporations to take over. Our Federal offices are held by people on Corporate payrolls...

These representatives only support what is good for business! Look into any large Corporation... You will see this is true. Corporations lobby congress to get what they want. Congressional Votes are for sale and Americans should not let that happen! Research Nafta, free trade so our jobs can be outsourced and the products brought back into this country for free...

Theres been alot of damage done, but there's still hope left. We can make a difference if we act now! We need to organize, and take our voices to the streets, taking back this country we call home.