Friday, September 17, 2010

Time to say NO! To the Party of NO!

 After much thought and research I have come to feel this from the bottom of my heart and gut, that we as a community of unemployed Americans are separating into 2 separate groups. We have the 99ers, those not receiving any benefits; and we have the unemployed that are receiving unemployment benefits. What everyone needs to understand is that we need to unite. The unemployed as a whole needs to be represented.  those receiving benefits are nothing more than future 99ers, they need to understand that soon they too will be like our brothers, the 99ers. We need to look at the reality of this, that if the Republicans take control of congress, we will all then become the permanently unemployed, and all that will remain is a black hole of where hope once existed. They will take our benefits, and continue to outsource jobs, drive down wages and will destroy our country!
  By uniting, the one's receiving benefits and the 99ers!  To the 99ers, we understand your frustration, and desperation to pass this legislation, WE DO! Its just as frustrating to us!by uniting we will  be perceived as a powerful political organization.
 Threatening the Democratic party is the wrong way to go! If we attack and resort to political threats and blackmail we will viewed as enemies of the party and they will not help us. We need to motivate others, the unemployed, and the middle class to stand behind the democrats and vote.
 The Democrats, they are the only ones that have helped us thus far. Look at the congressional voting records. Its all there.
 Why can we not help and support the party that are the only ones that are compassionate to our cause and help us? This is a real shame!  It is time for us to return the favor, if they are to continue to help YOU, you must help them. They need us now, like we needed them this summer.
 How can anyone think that not voting or voting for the party of NO could possibly help? Do you really want to support the party that has called us lazy, drug addicts, uneducated, poor workers, and want you to piss in a cup? How can this help? By not voting YOU are essentially voting for the Republicans.
 The unemployed have no lobbyists, all we have is the support of congressional members like Stabenow, Grayson, Reid, Hartkin, and Sherrod Brown. We must get behind them and support them in the fight to preserve this party! if you want their continued help, if the republicans win, they can't help us anymore. Who then will you look to for unemployment benefits and job creation? Mitch McConnell? Orin Hatch? John Bohener?
You can look, but that's all that will happen. They will simply say NO.
 We need to organize in a POSITIVE way, and send a strong message to the obstructionists in the capital!
Remember JFK's quote! Ask not what your country can do for you! But what you can do for your country! This is as important today, as it was the day he said this.                       
 Obama must have a majority in the house and the senate
The Ability to help us, this power MUST remain with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi! These people stood up and fought for us! It may have took time, look at all the obstacles, the filibusters they fought and defeated for us! These people are our friends, why would anyone consider voting against them?
 When will people wake up? I do pray soon, before all is lost. If we don't act NOW all will be lost. We will be homeless, and hungry, and there will be no jobs, and NO ONE to help us!

 We must unify those receiving, and those not receiving benefits
We must join together to defeat the real enemy.
We must do this by supporting and voting for the ONLY party that supports us.
Threatening them will only hurt US
If we do not do this, this will be a disaster for us, and it will make this summer look like a walk in the park.
All will be lost.

Now is the time for us to say NO! Its time to say NO to the party that fights us for benefits that support our very survival!  Its time to say NO to paying for the top 2% tax cuts! Its time to say NO to the party that destroyed our economy, and outsourced our jobs, took our homes, and drove down wages! TELL THEM NO! ITS OUR TURN TO SAY NO!!!!!  Get out and VOTE November 2!
Do you really want to tell them yes? Do you want to tell them that its ok to take our unemployment benefits and to please keep outsourcing our jobs and drive down wages?
We simply cannot afford to not to vote or the support the party of NO. Its a life or death gamble here folks! What are YOU going to do?

please see

Thursday, September 9, 2010

You Say You Want A Revolution....

And how do we go about this? Lets brainstorm a bit... How do we go about taking our country back? The answer is many things. We need to continue to organize. The cause is much deeper than getting unemployment benefits. This is nothing more than a symptom of the real problem. The cause is our country! We need to stand up, and do whatever we must to take America back from Big Business, and the politicians that own it... We must get involved on a local level, we must support candidates that stand for our cause... even if it we know they won't win. Our fight goes beyond the Internet, this website, emailing, faxing, and calling Congress. Our fight depends on everyday folks such as yourself to get out there and fight for our cause, we have to vote, we have to educate other people and encourage them to join us, and vote. We have to get the word out that the Republicans do not and never have had our interests at heart. They have never support jobs, they have never supported health care, they have never supported social security, and I'm willing to bet they never will. Most people out there support these things. Its OUR job to see to it that they get the information about who will support them! The Republicans don't care about education, they don't care if your job goes to China or Mexico... Lets educate the people, and grow the grass roots... This is how we do it folks! I challenge each and everyone of you to take this to heart, embrace it, make it your own.

Right of the right or duty, variously stated throughout history, of the subjects of a nation to overthrow a government that acts against their common interests. Belief in this right extends back to ancient China, and it has been used throughout history to justify various rebellions, including the American Revolution and the French Revolution....

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

THOMAS JEFFERSON, Declaration of Independence...

Don't get anymore American than that! And he NEVER drank the tea!

                                                      This is it! This time is now!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Republican Plan if They Regain Power

   The republican party wants power in November! They insist they will get this country back on track...
But has anyone really took a look at how they will do this? Cheap Labor, cutting health care,and tax increases on the Middle Class.

  Cutting unemployment is just one of their plans..
Once this is accomplished, then there will be people taking any little job they can to survive, Wage's will be lowered, I wouldn't be surprised if the GOP tried to lower the minimum wage to accommodate all the big corporations that will all of a sudden be willing to hire on grand scales... at a lower wage.

  Cutting welfare programs... Theyll call this something like "Putting America To Work" or Privitation of the welfare system and will include vouchers....
This will be nothing more than another ploy to enslave the mass's.

  Abolishing the health can reform is another thing they will do. The heath care reform is in no way a government takeover. That is simply a scare tactic the Republicans are using to essentially scare the people out of agreeing with the reform. There are very corrupt corporations, some of which control health insurance. They right now deny to insure patients with pre-existing conditions so they can make more money, one of the very reasons for this reform.

   Then the Republicans will be touted by the upper class as the party that saved America!
 But at what cost? Sounds like they really want to enslave the middle and lower class...

  So by all means! Vote Republican if you want to be living in a third world country, and work for a dollar a day!  Make no mistake... this is what they will try to do in November if they take control of the House and Senate...

  If you want a good job, health insurance, and good pay, the time to act is NOW. We have to band together and say NO! to the Republican party. We have to educate others, and vote... take others to vote that normally would not... We need to stand together on Capitol Hill and tell these clowns that we want our country back, and they cannot sell us out to big business and make us slaves!